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ILY2 presents California, a solo exhibition of works by Ido Radon, is on view February 17 through March 30, 2024. The exhibition will feature new sculpture, video, and photographs. There will be an opening reception on February 17 from 4:00 - 6:00pm.

Radon’s practice grapples with abstractions that structure the social real even as they remain nearly impossible to figure. Within this dystopian real, Radon nurtures an undead utopian impulse, and recent works focus in on technologies and infrastructures (hard and soft) that mediate contemporary life. Radon’s practice is hyper-aware of the material conditions of the production of art and reproduction of the artist. These concerns are necessarily feminist.

In 2023, Radon was a finalist for the Seattle Art Museum Betty Bowen Award and was selected for a Mass MOCA Residency Fellowship. Radon has made solo exhibitions at Artspeak (Vancouver, B.C), Air de Paris (Paris), Ditch Projects (Springfield, OR), Et al. (San Francisco), Jupiter Woods (London), Pied-à-terre (San Francisco), Romance (Pittsburgh), and Veronica (Seattle) and shown work at Canton Sardine (Vancouver, BC), Portland Institute for Contemporary Art, RONGWRONG, the Belkin Art Gallery, and the Henry Art Gallery. An autodidact, she holds an MFA from the University of British Columbia. With family and friends, she makes SOCIETY.

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All the leaves are brown.

And the sky is grey.

Continually re-woven into the warp and weft of the Golden State is Marcuse’s specter of a world which could be free.

Experiments in living, in being and becoming, in doing it oneself, in the electronic social, the freeing of information and sharing it. With flowers in your hair.

California. Fertile ground for the utopian impulse, engine of the fantasy machine, and of course ground zero of the 21st century’s dystopian digital reality.

On such a winter’s day.

_Ido Radon

I want to suggest that our faulty representations of some immense communicational and computer network are themselves but a distorted figuration of something even deeper, namely, the whole world system of a present-day multinational capitalism. The technology of contemporary society is therefore mesmerizing and fascinating not so much in its own right but because it seems to offer some privileged representational shorthand for grasping a network of power and control even more difficult for our minds and imaginations to grasp: the whole new decentered global network of the third stage of capital itself.

_Frederic Jameson

Ido Radon, CALIFORNIA, 2024, installation view, ILY2
Ido Radon, CALIFORNIA, 2024, installation view, ILY2
Ido Radon, CALIFORNIA, 2024, installation view, ILY2
Ido Radon, CALIFORNIA, 2024, installation view, ILY2
Ido Radon, CALIFORNIA, 2024, installation view, ILY2
SERVER, 2023, fir, recycled PC chassis, plexiglass, hardware, sound, 31 x 26 1/2 x 24 inches; 23 x 24 inches
Ido Radon
SERVER, 2023
fir, recycled PC chassis, plexiglass, hardware, sound
31 x 26 1/2 x 24 inches; 23 x 24 inches
Ido Radon, SERVER, 2023, detail
a grid of redwood blocks
Ido Radon
Some number of horizons and still a grid, 2024
tool-marked redwood blocks inherited from John M. Radon, latex paint
38 1/8 x 38 3/16 x 2 1/4 inches
Ido Radon, Some number of horizons and still a grid, 2024, detail
Ido Radon
CALIFORNIA (net works), 2024
dynamic kernmantle nylon rope, bamboo, zip ties
118 1/4 x 64 3/4 x 29 1/8 inches
Ido Radon, CALIFORNIA (net works), 2024, detail
Ido Radon
Seductive aesthetics of reason dazzled figure 1, 2023
PC case components, glass, MDF, rabbit fur
23 3/16 x 20 1/2 x 2 inches
Ido Radon
Seductive aesthetics of reason dazzled figure 2, 2023
PC case components, glass, MDF, rabbit fur
20 3/4 x 20 1/2 x 2 inches
Ido Radon, Seductive aesthetics of reason dazzled figure 2, 2023, detail
Ido Radon, ...of loving grace, 2024
video, color 1 min.
Ido Radon
CALIFORNIA (power and or simulacra), 2024
solar panel, pigment print
71 3/4 x 44 x 6 1/2 inches
Ido Radon
CALIFORNIA (wavy), 2024
black walnut, PC chassis, wind chime
50 3/4 x 51 3/4 x 18 1/8 inches
Ido Radon
CALIFORNIA (owl), 2024
pigment print mounted to dibond, redwood, aluminum
24 x 36 inches image, 28 x 39 1/4 x 1 1/2 inches overall
Ido Radon
Cloud Box Cloud, 2024
aluminum PC case panel, fir, inkjet print on acrylic
21 3/16 x 20 3/4 x 1 1/2 inches

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Ido Radon